Tuesday, July 02, 2013

new hobby: pinning!!

Have you ever looked high and low for something you found on the net ages ago but can't seem to find it when you really need it?
Fret no more because Pinterest is just what you need.
*okay.. i know its been around for awhile now. apologies for being really slow.
Edee told me about it some time ago but I refused to join up to another online website thingy majingy*

So..I was looking up sites for art and craft, diy's and pretty stuff and came across Pinterest.
I was a little skeptical  but decided to give it a go anyways.
And OMG! I've been hooked to it ever since.

I've been pinning almost everyday for the past week.
So many amazing ideas and tips to be shared.
Its also an amazing way to compile ideas, thoughts, tips, future plans, recipes, exercise.. just anything really..and keep it for when you want to work on it.
You don't have to worry about losing the website you found the idea from anymore.
With 18 boards and 325 pins in just over a week, I'm definitely hooked!
Just need to reorganize my boards a little bit and it'll be easy to maneuver.

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